5 Quick Ways to SIMPLIFY Your School Year

5 Quick Ways to Simplify Your School Year

No STRESS! Simplify your School Year!

How is it that the two ½ to three months of summer seem to fly by so quickly? Wherever you hail from in the U.S., chances are fairly good that you’ve begun that long anticipated first day of school. 

Jumping back into a routine can feel amazing but it can bring some serious stress—especially if you’ve been a tad over-zealous in jamming your kiddos, (and yourself), full of fall fun activities. I know I’ve been guilty of saying “yes!” way too many times.

NO Worries! We’ve completely outlined a way to help you and your family ease into a less-stressful schedule this fall! Oh and did I mention… AND we found ways for you to maintain it throughout the year!

5 quick ways to simplify your fall

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block scheduling can be flexible

Create a FLEX-Schedule…and Stick To It! 

Yes, there is such thing as creating a “flexible schedule”. Honestly, I found it to be the perfect balance between setting time for specific things,(ESPECIALLY those thing I constantly procrastinate with),and having flexibility left in my day so that I’m not “booked” every minute.

If you create a “flex schedule” that looks appealing and doable, it will WORK. Overbook and over schedule it-well you’ll watch that puppy fly right out of that window like last January’s workout routine.

Two of our favorite tools for successful flex-schedule: block scheduling and a hand-written planner:  

Try Block Scheduling:

Block scheduling is a simple, yet flexible way to ensure you get your big to-do items DONE and leave enough time for “down time” each day.

Best thing about block scheduling? YOU design it—check out more about block scheduling here: How to Be More Productive Every Single Day


If organization has gotten you down every morning–try blocking out 15 minutes every night where you get one or two things done in preparation for the next day! 

Here’s ONE of th best parts about this time saving hack: set the timer and the WHOLE family can participate! Give each child a “job” in preparation for the next day! 

  • Prep lunches
  • Get school clothes 
  • Grab all papers for school
  • Figure out what breakfast will look like the next morning

The great part about these 15 minutes, is that EVERYONE has their hand in preparing for the next day.

This alleviates some of the “rushing around” in the morning as well as that overwhelming sense that you’re doing EVERYTHING! 

Try Using/Creating your Own Planner!

Many of us love to write things down-afterall, reasearch has shown that writing information, as a opposed to simply trying to remember or even typing it, offers a much more powerful connection toward remembering and doing!

Some people swear by planners, others love a white board or chalkboard, and still, others love a simple calendar hanging up in a noticeable spot complete with sections to write in. 

Whatever is comfortable for you–you can make it  into your own planner! 

One of our favorites has been created by Ruth Soukop (if you don’t know her–check her site out!). The Living Well Planner is absolutely a favorite and will help you to crush those school year goals!

5 Quick Ways to Simplify your School YearGET IT! Living Well Planner!

Need some inspiration? Check out Ruth Soukop’s Living Well Planner for a perfect way to CRUSH your fall schedule or grab your own planner and design it here: 



5 Quick ways to simplify your fall

Simplify Sports & All Extracurricular Activities! 

Here’s a concept that many of us need to remember: LESS = MORE! The over-scheduled kiddo equals the over-stressed parent which, you guessed it, equals less together time.

Don’t get me wrong here-I’m super big into extracurricular activities & sports…just not three or four per week.

AND, mamas, let’s be real–if you have more than one kiddo at home…you’ll drive yourself and your family nutty driving around five nights or more out of your week.

Simplify so you can “family-ify” your time. Time together is priceless…and believe me, the “kid” years go by way to fast.

Less is MORE!

Here’s an awesomely quick & fun idea to gain control of the out-of-control sports/activities: 

Sit with your children and make a list of fall activities they enjoy. Soccer on the list? Brownies or Girl Scouts? How about Gymnastics?

Write each activity down on a slip of paper and have the kiddos organize them in order of importance.

Then have your kiddos create a “top five” then a “top three” and, eventually, have them choose one or two!

5 Quick Ways to Simplify the School Year

Simplify Friends: Don’t Follow the Crowd!

Ok—yes, it’s super fun to have your kids doing activities with your friend’s children—ESPECIALLY if you’re BFFs with the parents as well.

HOWEVER- and we know this is tough—don’t fall into the trap of following others into sports.

You’ll end up over-scheduled and packed before you blink.

SIMPLE STEP: Set YOUR schedule for YOUR kiddos.

There will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to get together during the school year if your kids happen to do different activities this fall.


5 Quick Ways to Simplify Your School Year


Try making a casserole or two on the weekend so that there’s at least two evenings during the chaos of the week that you can throw the food in the oven and actually play a game of ball outside with the kids or chat about their day (uninterrupted or without household distractions). 


While we’re on the subject of food….

Simplify your Grocery Trips!— So I DREADED grabbing my daughter from school and driving immediately to the grocery store. NO ONE (including me) wanted to head off to the grocery store after being apart for most of the day.

 I dreaded this activity so much, in fact, that I would make up dinners like “breakfast dinner” just to get us by.

Eventually I came up with a “grocery morning” on the weekend to cover us for the week. (or if I really didn’t have my —- together, it would be a late night 10 p.m. trip with my favorite third shift grocery crew–but still on a weekend!).

If finances don’t allow for a one time weekly trip, you can certainly split your trip into two days (one weekend and one week night that won’t send you over the edge)…whatever works but make it work for YOU.

Simplify-Tech Free Nights!

This can be a toughie but it’s totally doable and needed!

Shorter daylight and busier day schedules often call for some veg-out R & R in front of the TV, tablets or phones. HOWEVER, it’s super important to commit to balancing out the technology time.

Below is a fun way to make “tech-free day” an exciting day with a grab bag list of ideas! Here’s how you can do it:

  1. At the beginning of the week, have everyone put an idea in a hat for their tech-free day.
  2. Change up who chooses out of the hat-and every time you have a tech free day, you do that activity. The excitement may make everyone ask for a tech free day-almost every day!


5 Quick Ways to Simplify The School YearBottom Line:


The fall can be a welcomed time or straight up dreaded routine change from the almost carefree days of summer. This time of year can bring on tons of stress when you over book yourself and your family.

 We like to be “on top of it all” between work, school and sports…but if you’re tired of running yourself ragged every fall, wishing for the summer to come back before September is even over…then it’s time to change things up.

Don’t be pressured into thinking that just because you have time home with your family that you’re doing something wrong. I know I do NOT want to be in the position of many of my friends who are eating more take out than they are at home with their families.

There’s a fine line between encouraging sports activities and losing your family (and your sanity) during the school year.

Every family’s needs are different. Don’t compare your family to your friend’s or other family members. Remember-your needs, and the needs of YOUR family, must come first!

Bring on the new season, new school year and the new way of under-scheduling your life!

Bottom Line: You got this MAMA!


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Calling All Writing Mamas!

Have amazing ideas or experiences about  parenting or blogging and want to share it? Looking to get your blog noticed on another platform? Start writing with the Running Mama!  Check it all out here! 

