10 BEST “Date Day” Activities for You and Your Kiddos!


The other night my little girl and I were mixing up a batch of peanut butter “kiss” cookies and almost out of the blue she mentioned a mommy-daughter date day we had months ago when we went to a pottery place to paint some pottery.

It occurred to me right then and there that we haven’t had a ton of “mommy-daughter” time recently. It’s not that we haven’t spent time together, but it’s just that when we go places it’s usually with the entire family.

Being Mindful and Grabbing Moments: Tricky but SO Important! 

This got me thinking about an amazing idea I heard from another mom when I was making a quick coffee run one day.

She was speaking to her little boy about “date days” and said that this coming weekend was their special “date day” on their family calendar.

I thought—WOW—that’s genius. Carving out one or two (or three +) days in the month to spend time with each child ALONE is a fabulous idea!

In this crazy busy, over-booked time, it’s very easy to get consumed with your regular day-to-day routine. Days turn into weeks and before you know it, seasons are going by.

The BEST Advice Anyone Ever Gave Me:

I remember someone telling me right before my husband and I got married to take a step back from the hub-bub of the wedding and look at everyone, even if it was for three minutes.

They told me I should notice the little details like the way your grandfather looks in a tux or touch the flower arrangements on the table, look at the way the sun is setting in the background. 

See and FEEL what’s happening, and really take in what’s unfolding in your special day.

Even though the day went by in a blur of glass clinging, dancing and champagne, years later I have these very vivid mental pictures of that day that I will cherish forever. ALL because I STOPPED and was mindful/present of what was happening. It’s like magic.


If you have more than one kiddo at home, then you’re already well versed in the tricky world of balancing everything from feeding schedules, nap times to school, playdates and other fun activities.

What we all forget is to take a day, ( or 3 + depending on how many kids you have!) to spend only focusing on one kiddo.

This short but very significant conversation that I had last night with my daughter helped me to remember just how important it is to cherish each child individually.

You date day can be anything you and your child want it to be and it doesn’t have to be an entire day. Remember, going for quality NOT quantity is so key!

Below are some awesome ideas for spending a top-notch date day with your kiddos this upcoming season. Remember, this is a no-pressure, time and, bonus—it means the other kiddo gets alone time with your partner!


Amazing Activites to Do with your Kids on Mommy/Daddy Date Days:



Best Activities to do with kids

Go for a ride together!

Warmer Weather:

  • Bike ride on a new trail complete with a snack
  • Picnic at the park/In your backyard
  • Hiking at a nature center/In your backyard
  • Painting outside on canvases (do it right in your yard if you can get alone time there!)
  • Swimming at a favorite pool, beach or lake together
  • Kayaking together (our kids were 2 when we started kayaking with them…so doable if you’re comfortable!)
  • Outside scavenger hunt together (grab this idea we did at home!)
  • Mini-golfing date


Best Activities to do with kids on date days

Get Crafty!

Cooler Weather/Rainy Days:

  • Painting pottery
  • Movie date day
  • Pick a museum day with mommy or daddy**Check your local library for museum passes!
  • Indoor inflatable bounce space or trampoline park
  • Ice skating indoors
  • Ski date
  • Sledding date
  • Cooking/baking date!

Wrapping up: Conclusion

Many of these activities are so simple and cost little to nothing! We also find many local deals on Groupon for the activities that do cost money!  

Remember, a date day can be as little as an hour a month but to your child, it is their special day/time they get to spend alone with you! I’ve found that on these date days my kiddos really love

  • One on one conversations without interruptions
  • Discovering new things about Mommy or Daddy that they might not have known
  • Complete, undivided attention on their ideas
  • That it is their “special” time carved out and created for them/by them

What I’ve come to love about date days/ moments with the kiddos individually is

  • Discovering other things about your kids you might not have known/noticed in the business of regular days
  • Breaking from the regular day-to-day routine
  • Being able to sit back and really take in the moment
  • Knowing that my kids will look back and remember these special “date days” as part of their childhood


Do you have date days with your kiddos? If so, drop us a comment below and share with us what you do and where you go!


We would LOVE to hear from you!