How to Be More Productive- Every Single Day!

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Child, Girl, Young, Caucasian, Childhood, Daughter

Happy June everyone! I almost didn’t believe it was June until my kiddos, excited to flip the page on the calendar, reminded me. Wow-time flies…which brings us to this next post! Being home with the kiddos is a HUGE blessing that I am ever-so thankful for each day. With it, though, I’ve found that being productive has taken a major back seat. I am now a HUGE culprit of letting hours and days slip by without so much as cracking a look at anything on my foreboding to-do list. I mean, even with the best schedule, we get caught up in learning, play and LIFE that often by 7:30  I look back and feel a little like….

         a dog chasing it’s tail….Right, Arrow, Next


Even as we speak, I’m gingerly typing away on my keyboard, my littlest love sprawled across my lap on our couch in sound slumber. My time is limited, this I know, so I type fast, ignoring typos and incomplete sentences that I will have to tend to “later” (at o-dark-thirty). Sound kind of  familiar?

If you’re like me, you love,  LOVE, LOVE spending time with your littles. I mean, how awesome is it to get up each sunny morning and sit on the floor with your kiddos to play with trucks, Legos or construct a marble run? Pretty amazing I say. HOWEVER, if you’re also like me,there’s the insatious “to do list” looming some where in your cerebellum begging for you to tend to one of the five hundred items you’ve been unable to tackle.There are days were I have felt completely unproductive and the result: a VERY cranky mommy.

Most of us anxiously await that precious time of day that may allow you to ACTUALLY get one or (dare I say) two things done….it’s none other than-NAP TIME. Ah yes, that sacred time of day that no one but a parent could POSSIBLY understand. It allows your littles to dream away those pre-nap time crankies all while simultaneously allowing you to hack away at that list which keeps knocking on the door unanswered. With so much to do, how can you become more productive each day?

Balancing Act 101–writing with one hand!


My, Oh My How Time Does Fly…

Sitting here again today, it occurred to me that I’m probably not the only one who has ever wondered “WHAT DID I DO during that nap time?” Did I actually get anything done? I mean…aside from tiptoeing around picking up wooden blocks and trains? Say no more, sista -or brother–we FEEL you. How are those precious minutes,(or for some of you lucky ducks, HOURS), flying away without a hint of anything being done? I began to get so frustrated with myself that I actually started researching topics related to work-life balance. Especially those related to working at home with LITTLE ones…which, is a WHOLE other ball game. After contemplating the many layers of advice out there on the web, I finally discovered one thing that has actually WORKED for me: BLOCK SCHEDULING.

Block Scheduling 101

What is block scheduling and how can you implement it? Block scheduling, in it’s simplest form, is taking a birds eye view of your day and “blocking” out time frames for each goal that you have. There’s a specific start and stop time for each activity you’ve have lined up.  That means if your little love naps from 11:00 until 12:00 each day, you have the opportunity to create blocks of time for yourself within that hour! For example you could take that whole hour for one activity or by break it down into smaller increments to check off multiple things on your list!

Even though I’m a guinea pig when it comes to block scheduling as I’ve LITERALLY just started it….like yesterday…I’ve discovered a few things in my experimentation with block scheduling already. After initiating block scheduling the other day, (at least during one portion of my day), three amazing things happened:
a. I cleared that nagging list off my brain and on to paper.
b. I was able to achieve ONE item off of my list…don’t judge-all about baby steps here.
c. I felt relieved, energized and ready for the next adventure with my little one.

Below are  two ways you can implement this awesome technique to score some more YOU time:

Google-Getting it DONE

If you’re connected with Google in any way (through Gmail,Google Plus) the Google Calendar may be perfect for you! If not, skip down to the next block scheduling suggestion!)

With Google Calendar, you can connect every activity you have from your email to your calendar in one single application. What’s so great about Google?  Google Calendar seamlessly connects multiple areas of your day into one space AND blocks out times for you! Win-Win! 



Google Calendar at Work!


If you still like the idea of writing your goals or  “to-do” lists down on paper first, you can check this awesome printable out:  Time Tracker Printable   I use this little sheet when planning a full week out is just too daunting. Simply print, write  and post it! Take each item you feel you want to do FOR that DAY or THOSE hours and get them down on paper! 

Happy Apps! Put that Smartphone or Computer to Work–FOR YOU!

Not everyone loves Google or uses it the way I do. Totally get it. One of my favorite blog sites, The Work at Home Woman, suggests using an App such as Toggl!. This is an amazing time-blocking app that features a timer, as well as additional tools to help you concentrate and apply the block schedule method. You can use the app with other planning tools or simply on it’s own. REMEMBER,  Use the app in conjunction with your other planning tools or on its own

Jumping into the Block Scheduling Routine!

To start kicking some major get-it-done goals on your to-do lists, Holly from The Work at Home Woman offers amazing  advice for pumping your way toward feeling more successful each day. Below are a couple of pointers: 

  1. PRIORITZE your Goals:  Start off each day by tackling the hardest item on you to-do list. REMEMBER this is about YOU; not what anyone else may deem as “difficult” or “grandiose”. For me, it’s searching for ways to increase my family’s income so we can vacation!
  2. PICK a System: Start by getting a system in place you like and WILL use. REMEMBER this is not A ONE-SIZE FITS ALL routine. Block scheduling follows a certain pattern for sure, but HOW you implement it is all up to you! 
  3. SCHEDULE Tasks at the Same Time EVERY DAY: We know this can get tricky; especially if you’re a stay at home mom balancing home life  and work. However, according to a post by conversionminded ,if you create time slots for the same types of things everyday, the more likely you will be to get into a routine with them, the more likely they will get done! 
  4. Do YOU time: Office time, housework and playdate time may very well be a large part of your day. However,  when it comes to block scheduling,  don’t forget that you need YOU time too. Whether you have an hour or a full eight to get your tasks done, schedule yourself breaks! In general, you’ll find some sanity and you’ll be more productive!  Put in that much needed walk/run or some other downtime for you to rejuvenate. 

Bottom line…

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and under achieved, take block scheduling out for a test drive! Worse case scenario, you lost an hour trying something new and, you’re one step close to figuring out what works!  I’m already feeling a little more in control and balanced… I’m now  tackling my New Year’s to do lists!  Whoooo HOOOOO! 

2 thoughts on “How to Be More Productive- Every Single Day!

  1. Thanks so much for including The Work at Home Woman’s article!

    Block Scheduling is what keeps me sane and on-task. I’m so unproductive when I don’t use this method!

    • Thanks, Holly! Love your website and your work! Great ideas and will absolutely keep promoting WAHW!

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