5 Quick Ways to Simplify the School Year

3 Mistakes Parents Make When Packing School Lunches PLUS What To Do Instead!

It’s back to school time and if you pack lunches for your kiddos, there’s nothing more stressful than trying to decide on the BEST foods to pack for those long school days.

Thankfully, Jenn Espinosa-Goswami from Weightless Chronicles is here on The Running Mama to help ALL of us WIN  the battle of the “box” (lunch-box that is!) 


You don’t want your kid to eat questionable school lunches, so you pack a healthy home lunch. Yet, is that home lunch providing your child with everything they need for a super day?


Read more on how to make superior sandwiches, put the “pow!” in produce, and deter deceptive drinks (plus recipes).



Back in 2017, I decided to pack school lunches for my two daughters. As a health coach, you would think it would be easy, right?

It’s not as if I can’t figure out how to create a healthy and balanced meal, how to please a picky palate, or even how to bake healthier treats.

Despite all of this, I would deal with hangry children on the way home from school. Children who either a) refused to eat what I packed for them –or– b) preferred to eat all their “treats” instead of the healthier options.

There were even times when I discovered a rotting piece of fruit at the bottom of their school bag at the end of the year.

Did I mention that my two daughters prefer to eat exactly opposite of each other? While one leans towards more standard American fare such as bunless hot dogs and hamburgers, my other daughter doesn’t eat beef, and loves her carbs.

What’s a busy mom to do? Well, I did what any time-starved mom of picky kids would do. I defaulted to the classic school lunch ideas, such as a sandwich, piece of fruit, potato chips and juice. Convenient, grab-and-go items that didn’t break my budget or end up in the trash at the end of the day.

If I was less persistent, I could have simply given them lunch money and called it a day. Yet, this fascinating article from the New York Times shares how kids hate how school lunches taste under the new regulations of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The truth is- I care how my kids eat when they’re not at home. Maybe that means I’m a control freak, maybe it means I’m all too familiar with the loopholes in school lunches that enabled my own childhood obesity, or maybe it just means I want my kids to embrace a wider variety of foods that they actually love to eat.

Plus, I want my kids to have a superhero kind of day at school. One where they feel strong, smart and fast (details on how to pack food for your own Superhero)


3 Mistakes Parents Make Packing School Lunches 

Balance, Balance BALANCE: What a Great Lunch SHOULD Look Like: 


Before we dive into the 3 mistakes most parents make when packing lunch, let’s talk about what a balanced meal actually looks like.

Many school lunches are based on the concepts behind MyPlate. MyPlate is the USDA’s guide to healthy eating and is frequently taught in schools as well as informs the menu for most hot school lunches. Previously, MyPlate was known as a Food Pyramid.

MyPlate encourages Americans to choose from 5 very colorful food groups in order to eat a healthy and balanced meal. Unfortunately, this is not a very helpful or accurate guide.

When I asked my Facebook community to identify what they typically pack in their kid’s school lunch, this seems to be the same thought process- pull from each of these 5 food groups for a healthy, balanced meal.

First, they make sure their kid has a choice of fruit and vegetables. Then, they pepper in some sort of grain (unless they are gluten-free). And, last, they add in whatever protein their kid will actually eat.

For those super parents who have taught their children as young as 6 to pack their OWN school lunch, their kids simply grab and go from containers marked with each of these categories.

Notice: My Plate recommends a separate serving of dairy. While few parents I asked include milk in their kid’s cold lunch, it is a mandatory offering not just in school lunches, but also in every kid’s meal in restaurants.

While I am not vegan, there is no nutritional requirement for children to drink milk every day as part of a balanced meal. In fact, there are much healthier sources of calcium that are easier for our bodies to break down and absorb, such as spinach, kale and chia seeds.

What is actually wrong with MyPlate? Over 3/4 of each meal should be full of carbohydrates!

Sure, this might be appropriate for a very active and growing child, but perhaps not for an inactive child who tends to eat more grains than produce. Or a child who spends the average 3 hours a day on a device or in front of a screen.

Also, My Plate neglects the fat. All of us need healthy sources of fat for healthy brains. As our kids spend most of their time in school learning new and unfamiliar concepts, they certainly can benefit from more brain food! Yet, this very important macronutrient is frequently missing from most recommendations.

Now we know why the MyPlate recommendations might not be particularly balanced, how does this change how you currently pack a school lunch?

Here is the typical home lunch:

  • Sandwich
  • Fruit and/or Veggie
  • Sweet or savory snacks
  • Milk/Juice

Now let’s walk through 3 common mistakes parents make when packing this typical lunch (and what to do instead!).


3 Mistakes Parents make packing school lunches and how to pack healthy school lunches or what to pack instead

3 Mistakes Parents Make When Packing School Lunches (and what you can do instead!):


Sandwich Secrets

Did you know that the average American will eat up to 3,000 PB&J sandwiches in their lifetime?

Even if you avoid peanut butter, due to allergies in your kid’s classroom, you might find yourself packing convenience foods like Lunchables or Uncrustables.

Unfortunately, Lunchables can have up to 67 ingredients in one box for a simple meat and cheese plate. Sounds rather crazy, doesn’t it? Uncrustables is not far behind and includes many trans fats and corn syrup.

OK, so you do the right thing and create your own PB&J sandwich on whole-grain bread.

At least you know what ingredients are in there. Strictly speaking, when we look at the macronutrient breakdown of the classic PB&J sandwich, you have carbs (bread and jelly) and a bit of protein (peanut butter).

While the fiber in the whole grain bread will slow down the digestion of this sando, it’s mostly carbs. Add a side of fruit and juice box, and your kid will be falling asleep by 2.

This doesn’t mean you can’t feed your kid PB&J, but it may not be your healthiest or most balanced go-to. Instead, you could use peanut butter as a dip for apple slices, or use real strawberries instead of jam.

How about meat and cheese with crackers? Most deli lunch meats contain high amounts of sodium and nitrates. Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a study in 2015 linking high consumption of processed meats to cancer.

Also, most crackers are full of ingredients you may wish to avoid, even whole grain and organic ones. Try these 5 ingredient, super-easy rosemary beet crackers or nut-free apple pie crackers instead!

When it comes to sandwiches, try whole-grain flatbreads or homemade veggie wraps, and use shredded meats from your own slow cooker. Better yet, think beyond the sandwich, and go for meatballs or veggies with dips. 

Switch from the sandwich mistake in packing your kiddos school lunches and gain back your energic kiddo! 

Powerful Produce

Most parents require that their children have at least one fruit or veggie in their home lunch.

And, most parents shake their head when their kid brings back ONLY the fruit or veggie. You know, because they “ran out time” to eat.

Hey, I feel your pain. After all, I declared at the wise age of 18 that I would never eat another green veggie again!

You are doing your part by buying the healthy produce, and even chopping and prepping it into snack-size backs.

The secret ingredient is to make the produce fun or unexpected!

  • Instead of plain carrot sticks or celery, can you include a yogurt-based dip or nut butter
  • Instead of beef or turkey meatballs, try these veggie meatballs. Extra credit for spearing them with colorful toothpicks for convenience.
  • Instead of steamed, try making baked or sauteed “fritters” out of them, like these bacon and spaghetti squash
  • Instead of chips made from potatoes, try homemade zucchini chips, or baked parsnip or yucca fries.
  • Instead of room temp grapes or bananas, try freezing them (slice the bananas first)
  • Instead of sliced strawberries or berries, put them in this frozen yogurt bark
  • Instead of whole fruit, make fruit kebabs

Be very slow and cautious with introducing these new ideas to your kids. After all, it can take up to 8 tries before a kid’s picky palate accepts these new adaptations.

Better yet, have them make these items WITH you. They may even come up with their own ideas.

Deceiving Drinks

Whoever decided that our kids need to load up on calorie-laden, sugar-rich drinks has created a monster!

I’m not even joking. I can’t tell you how many women I work with who struggle with drinking enough water to hydrate properly throughout the day. Often, this unhealthy habit often starts in childhood, and especially as we replace our childhood juice or milk with more adult pleasures like wine or lattes.

Especially if your kid has been in any sort of team sports- you have to work REALLY hard to avoid juices, sports drinks, or (God forbid) energy drinks!

But, you are aware of the dangers of sugar, and make sure to pack only 100% and organic juice or skim milk. That’s healthy, right?

Not really.

Juice is often full of artificial sweeteners, colors, and calories. None of which any child needs on a daily basis. In my own experience, my daughter will often drink her juice before she eats anything, which means she might crash right after lunch.

Skim milk may not be doing your child any favors, either. Whenever fat is removed from a food, sugar is often added. In this study published in Time, people who ate/drank full-fat dairy had a 46% lower risk of developing diabetes.

Water is the best drink for your child. Use a fun, colorful bottle with a straw, a stainless steel bottle that keeps the water nicely chilled, or even infuse your child’s water with some fresh fruit.



Now that you know the benefits of using a macro-based plan to packing your kid’s lunch, and tons of strategies to avoid common mistakes, you can confidently pack a balanced and yummy lunch that your kids will actually enjoy!


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All About the Author:Back to School Post School Lunches

Meet Jenn! 

Jenn Espinosa-Goswami has spent her entire life releasing her inner Wonder Woman, beginning with her 100-pound weight loss as a young college student and most recently as a marathon runner. Her passion as a speaker and health coach is to facilitate body bliss for every woman and their families.

A member of the National Weight Control Registry, her 100-pound weight loss story has been featured on Women’s Health, Prevention, Reader’s Digest, First for Women magazine, and Fox.

When not presenting motivational presentations to brands such as Target, Wells Fargo and TOPS in Minneapolis, she blogs at www.weightlesschronicles.com.  Jennifer is a wife and mother to two beautiful daughters.  You may find her dancing in her living room with her girls or enjoying a bean burrito.

Change schools

FUN and Easy Fourth of July Food!

The Fourth of July is almost here! If you’re looking for some easy, fun, yet patriotic treats to celebrate the big day, (or any day throughout the month of July), look no further!  We have you covered with some tasty treats and oh-so perfectly  patriotic drinks sure to kick start your celebrations!


Red White and Blue 4th of July Rocket Hot Dogs

Rocket Dogs! 

Celebrate the birth of America with a little firework food! These rocket dogs use three simple food ingredients: hot dogs, crescent rolls cut in strips and marbled Monterrey Jack cheese cut into triangles! Add in the sticks and the patriotic cup cake wrappers and you’ve got an edible rocket! Easy peasy! 

Red, White and Blue Rice Krispie treats for the 4th of July and Memorial Day bbq's!

Red, White and Blue Firecracker Krispies 

These super easy treats are sure to be a big hit this summer! If you don’t have time to make your own Rice Krispie Treats, simply buy them pre-made, grab some Wilton’s candy melts in the color you need and go to town! You can find more about this awesome dessert on www.lifelovesugar.com

Recipes - Fourth of July Dipped Pretzels at createcraftlove.com


Patriotic Pretzel Wands! 

Not only are these pretzel wands created by createcraftlove.com super yummy, but they make an adorable table center piece to your upcoming Fourth of July or summer picnic! Dipping pretzel wands happens to be a family favorite activity over at our house so these will be top on the list this Fourth of July!  Not only are they easy, but you can make several mason jars filled with them to hand out as treats during a Fourth of July or summer get-together! Yay! 

Just need star cookie cutter! Slice watermelon and cut star shapes out of them for a beautifully festive fruit salad. | 31 Last-Minute Fourth Of July Decorating Tricks

Fabulously Fruity Fourth! 

Have your kids seeing stars while enjoying some summer time fruit! Cut out some water melon, then, with a star cookie cutter, shape out some adorable stars while adding in some blueberries and you’ve got the perfect mix of fabulously fruity patriotic perfection!   Whole watermelons just happen to be on sale at most grocery stores this time of year…so get your melon on! 


kid-friendly patriotic punch

Kids Red, White and Blue Patriotic Punch! 


This is one of my favorite ideas yet! The creation of this awesome drink takes a little bit of some “kitchen science” as our source, momendevors, puts it…but honestly, it’s all in the sugar content. Start by adding the juice with the highest sugar content first (red juice was the highest in this recipe) and use ice as a buffer. Grab the next juice with the second to highest sugar count, buffer with ice and repeat with the last color!

If you need something a bit quicker and more straight forward….here’s another recipe that looked equally as yummy…but might be a little more straight forward from www.eatingonadime.com

How to make Red, White, and Blue Drink

Kids Patriotic Punch!




Red, White, and Blue Vodka Lemonade Slush!  Yummm! Adult Fourth of July fun!


Frozen Firecracker Drinks: Vodka Lemonade Slush-YUM!

Why should the kiddos have all of the fun this Fourth of July? This awesome concoction is one my husband and I are gearing up to try on Wednesday! Oh, and no, they aren’t layered in correct red, white and blue order…something to do with the the thickness of each ingredient…but,gotta say, it looks like pure YUM. The vodka is actually mixed in at the end into the lemonade mixture, while grenadine (for the red) and blue curacao (for the blue) are combined with ice. 

We’ve decided to try it this way: Try this: Add red Gatorade with ice and repeat with blue Gatorade and ice to make your slush combo. We’re trying it today..will let you know how it goes! 

Another little side note, we figured we would add a little distinction between our Firecracker drinks and the kiddos Patriotic Punch by putting labels on our cups and NOT adding Twizzlers to ours! 


Whether you’re celebrating the birthday of the United States or you’re simply celebrating summer, these quick ideas will have you ready for the fireworks way before the sunsets! 


Happy Birthday America and Happy Summer to all! 

10 BEST “Date Day” Activities for You and Your Kiddos!


The other night my little girl and I were mixing up a batch of peanut butter “kiss” cookies and almost out of the blue she mentioned a mommy-daughter date day we had months ago when we went to a pottery place to paint some pottery.

It occurred to me right then and there that we haven’t had a ton of “mommy-daughter” time recently. It’s not that we haven’t spent time together, but it’s just that when we go places it’s usually with the entire family.

Being Mindful and Grabbing Moments: Tricky but SO Important! 

This got me thinking about an amazing idea I heard from another mom when I was making a quick coffee run one day.

She was speaking to her little boy about “date days” and said that this coming weekend was their special “date day” on their family calendar.

I thought—WOW—that’s genius. Carving out one or two (or three +) days in the month to spend time with each child ALONE is a fabulous idea!

In this crazy busy, over-booked time, it’s very easy to get consumed with your regular day-to-day routine. Days turn into weeks and before you know it, seasons are going by.

The BEST Advice Anyone Ever Gave Me:

I remember someone telling me right before my husband and I got married to take a step back from the hub-bub of the wedding and look at everyone, even if it was for three minutes.

They told me I should notice the little details like the way your grandfather looks in a tux or touch the flower arrangements on the table, look at the way the sun is setting in the background. 

See and FEEL what’s happening, and really take in what’s unfolding in your special day.

Even though the day went by in a blur of glass clinging, dancing and champagne, years later I have these very vivid mental pictures of that day that I will cherish forever. ALL because I STOPPED and was mindful/present of what was happening. It’s like magic.


If you have more than one kiddo at home, then you’re already well versed in the tricky world of balancing everything from feeding schedules, nap times to school, playdates and other fun activities.

What we all forget is to take a day, ( or 3 + depending on how many kids you have!) to spend only focusing on one kiddo.

This short but very significant conversation that I had last night with my daughter helped me to remember just how important it is to cherish each child individually.

You date day can be anything you and your child want it to be and it doesn’t have to be an entire day. Remember, going for quality NOT quantity is so key!

Below are some awesome ideas for spending a top-notch date day with your kiddos this upcoming season. Remember, this is a no-pressure, time and, bonus—it means the other kiddo gets alone time with your partner!


Amazing Activites to Do with your Kids on Mommy/Daddy Date Days:



Best Activities to do with kids

Go for a ride together!

Warmer Weather:

  • Bike ride on a new trail complete with a snack
  • Picnic at the park/In your backyard
  • Hiking at a nature center/In your backyard
  • Painting outside on canvases (do it right in your yard if you can get alone time there!)
  • Swimming at a favorite pool, beach or lake together
  • Kayaking together (our kids were 2 when we started kayaking with them…so doable if you’re comfortable!)
  • Outside scavenger hunt together (grab this idea we did at home!)
  • Mini-golfing date


Best Activities to do with kids on date days

Get Crafty!

Cooler Weather/Rainy Days:

  • Painting pottery
  • Movie date day
  • Pick a museum day with mommy or daddy**Check your local library for museum passes!
  • Indoor inflatable bounce space or trampoline park
  • Ice skating indoors
  • Ski date
  • Sledding date
  • Cooking/baking date!

Wrapping up: Conclusion

Many of these activities are so simple and cost little to nothing! We also find many local deals on Groupon for the activities that do cost money!  

Remember, a date day can be as little as an hour a month but to your child, it is their special day/time they get to spend alone with you! I’ve found that on these date days my kiddos really love

  • One on one conversations without interruptions
  • Discovering new things about Mommy or Daddy that they might not have known
  • Complete, undivided attention on their ideas
  • That it is their “special” time carved out and created for them/by them

What I’ve come to love about date days/ moments with the kiddos individually is

  • Discovering other things about your kids you might not have known/noticed in the business of regular days
  • Breaking from the regular day-to-day routine
  • Being able to sit back and really take in the moment
  • Knowing that my kids will look back and remember these special “date days” as part of their childhood


Do you have date days with your kiddos? If so, drop us a comment below and share with us what you do and where you go!


We would LOVE to hear from you!