5 Quick Ways to Simplify the School Year

3 Mistakes Parents Make When Packing School Lunches PLUS What To Do Instead!

It’s back to school time and if you pack lunches for your kiddos, there’s nothing more stressful than trying to decide on the BEST foods to pack for those long school days.

Thankfully, Jenn Espinosa-Goswami from Weightless Chronicles is here on The Running Mama to help ALL of us WIN  the battle of the “box” (lunch-box that is!) 


You don’t want your kid to eat questionable school lunches, so you pack a healthy home lunch. Yet, is that home lunch providing your child with everything they need for a super day?


Read more on how to make superior sandwiches, put the “pow!” in produce, and deter deceptive drinks (plus recipes).



Back in 2017, I decided to pack school lunches for my two daughters. As a health coach, you would think it would be easy, right?

It’s not as if I can’t figure out how to create a healthy and balanced meal, how to please a picky palate, or even how to bake healthier treats.

Despite all of this, I would deal with hangry children on the way home from school. Children who either a) refused to eat what I packed for them –or– b) preferred to eat all their “treats” instead of the healthier options.

There were even times when I discovered a rotting piece of fruit at the bottom of their school bag at the end of the year.

Did I mention that my two daughters prefer to eat exactly opposite of each other? While one leans towards more standard American fare such as bunless hot dogs and hamburgers, my other daughter doesn’t eat beef, and loves her carbs.

What’s a busy mom to do? Well, I did what any time-starved mom of picky kids would do. I defaulted to the classic school lunch ideas, such as a sandwich, piece of fruit, potato chips and juice. Convenient, grab-and-go items that didn’t break my budget or end up in the trash at the end of the day.

If I was less persistent, I could have simply given them lunch money and called it a day. Yet, this fascinating article from the New York Times shares how kids hate how school lunches taste under the new regulations of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The truth is- I care how my kids eat when they’re not at home. Maybe that means I’m a control freak, maybe it means I’m all too familiar with the loopholes in school lunches that enabled my own childhood obesity, or maybe it just means I want my kids to embrace a wider variety of foods that they actually love to eat.

Plus, I want my kids to have a superhero kind of day at school. One where they feel strong, smart and fast (details on how to pack food for your own Superhero)


3 Mistakes Parents Make Packing School Lunches 

Balance, Balance BALANCE: What a Great Lunch SHOULD Look Like: 


Before we dive into the 3 mistakes most parents make when packing lunch, let’s talk about what a balanced meal actually looks like.

Many school lunches are based on the concepts behind MyPlate. MyPlate is the USDA’s guide to healthy eating and is frequently taught in schools as well as informs the menu for most hot school lunches. Previously, MyPlate was known as a Food Pyramid.

MyPlate encourages Americans to choose from 5 very colorful food groups in order to eat a healthy and balanced meal. Unfortunately, this is not a very helpful or accurate guide.

When I asked my Facebook community to identify what they typically pack in their kid’s school lunch, this seems to be the same thought process- pull from each of these 5 food groups for a healthy, balanced meal.

First, they make sure their kid has a choice of fruit and vegetables. Then, they pepper in some sort of grain (unless they are gluten-free). And, last, they add in whatever protein their kid will actually eat.

For those super parents who have taught their children as young as 6 to pack their OWN school lunch, their kids simply grab and go from containers marked with each of these categories.

Notice: My Plate recommends a separate serving of dairy. While few parents I asked include milk in their kid’s cold lunch, it is a mandatory offering not just in school lunches, but also in every kid’s meal in restaurants.

While I am not vegan, there is no nutritional requirement for children to drink milk every day as part of a balanced meal. In fact, there are much healthier sources of calcium that are easier for our bodies to break down and absorb, such as spinach, kale and chia seeds.

What is actually wrong with MyPlate? Over 3/4 of each meal should be full of carbohydrates!

Sure, this might be appropriate for a very active and growing child, but perhaps not for an inactive child who tends to eat more grains than produce. Or a child who spends the average 3 hours a day on a device or in front of a screen.

Also, My Plate neglects the fat. All of us need healthy sources of fat for healthy brains. As our kids spend most of their time in school learning new and unfamiliar concepts, they certainly can benefit from more brain food! Yet, this very important macronutrient is frequently missing from most recommendations.

Now we know why the MyPlate recommendations might not be particularly balanced, how does this change how you currently pack a school lunch?

Here is the typical home lunch:

  • Sandwich
  • Fruit and/or Veggie
  • Sweet or savory snacks
  • Milk/Juice

Now let’s walk through 3 common mistakes parents make when packing this typical lunch (and what to do instead!).


3 Mistakes Parents make packing school lunches and how to pack healthy school lunches or what to pack instead

3 Mistakes Parents Make When Packing School Lunches (and what you can do instead!):


Sandwich Secrets

Did you know that the average American will eat up to 3,000 PB&J sandwiches in their lifetime?

Even if you avoid peanut butter, due to allergies in your kid’s classroom, you might find yourself packing convenience foods like Lunchables or Uncrustables.

Unfortunately, Lunchables can have up to 67 ingredients in one box for a simple meat and cheese plate. Sounds rather crazy, doesn’t it? Uncrustables is not far behind and includes many trans fats and corn syrup.

OK, so you do the right thing and create your own PB&J sandwich on whole-grain bread.

At least you know what ingredients are in there. Strictly speaking, when we look at the macronutrient breakdown of the classic PB&J sandwich, you have carbs (bread and jelly) and a bit of protein (peanut butter).

While the fiber in the whole grain bread will slow down the digestion of this sando, it’s mostly carbs. Add a side of fruit and juice box, and your kid will be falling asleep by 2.

This doesn’t mean you can’t feed your kid PB&J, but it may not be your healthiest or most balanced go-to. Instead, you could use peanut butter as a dip for apple slices, or use real strawberries instead of jam.

How about meat and cheese with crackers? Most deli lunch meats contain high amounts of sodium and nitrates. Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a study in 2015 linking high consumption of processed meats to cancer.

Also, most crackers are full of ingredients you may wish to avoid, even whole grain and organic ones. Try these 5 ingredient, super-easy rosemary beet crackers or nut-free apple pie crackers instead!

When it comes to sandwiches, try whole-grain flatbreads or homemade veggie wraps, and use shredded meats from your own slow cooker. Better yet, think beyond the sandwich, and go for meatballs or veggies with dips. 

Switch from the sandwich mistake in packing your kiddos school lunches and gain back your energic kiddo! 

Powerful Produce

Most parents require that their children have at least one fruit or veggie in their home lunch.

And, most parents shake their head when their kid brings back ONLY the fruit or veggie. You know, because they “ran out time” to eat.

Hey, I feel your pain. After all, I declared at the wise age of 18 that I would never eat another green veggie again!

You are doing your part by buying the healthy produce, and even chopping and prepping it into snack-size backs.

The secret ingredient is to make the produce fun or unexpected!

  • Instead of plain carrot sticks or celery, can you include a yogurt-based dip or nut butter
  • Instead of beef or turkey meatballs, try these veggie meatballs. Extra credit for spearing them with colorful toothpicks for convenience.
  • Instead of steamed, try making baked or sauteed “fritters” out of them, like these bacon and spaghetti squash
  • Instead of chips made from potatoes, try homemade zucchini chips, or baked parsnip or yucca fries.
  • Instead of room temp grapes or bananas, try freezing them (slice the bananas first)
  • Instead of sliced strawberries or berries, put them in this frozen yogurt bark
  • Instead of whole fruit, make fruit kebabs

Be very slow and cautious with introducing these new ideas to your kids. After all, it can take up to 8 tries before a kid’s picky palate accepts these new adaptations.

Better yet, have them make these items WITH you. They may even come up with their own ideas.

Deceiving Drinks

Whoever decided that our kids need to load up on calorie-laden, sugar-rich drinks has created a monster!

I’m not even joking. I can’t tell you how many women I work with who struggle with drinking enough water to hydrate properly throughout the day. Often, this unhealthy habit often starts in childhood, and especially as we replace our childhood juice or milk with more adult pleasures like wine or lattes.

Especially if your kid has been in any sort of team sports- you have to work REALLY hard to avoid juices, sports drinks, or (God forbid) energy drinks!

But, you are aware of the dangers of sugar, and make sure to pack only 100% and organic juice or skim milk. That’s healthy, right?

Not really.

Juice is often full of artificial sweeteners, colors, and calories. None of which any child needs on a daily basis. In my own experience, my daughter will often drink her juice before she eats anything, which means she might crash right after lunch.

Skim milk may not be doing your child any favors, either. Whenever fat is removed from a food, sugar is often added. In this study published in Time, people who ate/drank full-fat dairy had a 46% lower risk of developing diabetes.

Water is the best drink for your child. Use a fun, colorful bottle with a straw, a stainless steel bottle that keeps the water nicely chilled, or even infuse your child’s water with some fresh fruit.



Now that you know the benefits of using a macro-based plan to packing your kid’s lunch, and tons of strategies to avoid common mistakes, you can confidently pack a balanced and yummy lunch that your kids will actually enjoy!


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All About the Author:Back to School Post School Lunches

Meet Jenn! 

Jenn Espinosa-Goswami has spent her entire life releasing her inner Wonder Woman, beginning with her 100-pound weight loss as a young college student and most recently as a marathon runner. Her passion as a speaker and health coach is to facilitate body bliss for every woman and their families.

A member of the National Weight Control Registry, her 100-pound weight loss story has been featured on Women’s Health, Prevention, Reader’s Digest, First for Women magazine, and Fox.

When not presenting motivational presentations to brands such as Target, Wells Fargo and TOPS in Minneapolis, she blogs at www.weightlesschronicles.com.  Jennifer is a wife and mother to two beautiful daughters.  You may find her dancing in her living room with her girls or enjoying a bean burrito.

5 Quick Ways to SIMPLIFY Your School Year

5 Quick Ways to Simplify Your School Year

No STRESS! Simplify your School Year!

How is it that the two ½ to three months of summer seem to fly by so quickly? Wherever you hail from in the U.S., chances are fairly good that you’ve begun that long anticipated first day of school. 

Jumping back into a routine can feel amazing but it can bring some serious stress—especially if you’ve been a tad over-zealous in jamming your kiddos, (and yourself), full of fall fun activities. I know I’ve been guilty of saying “yes!” way too many times.

NO Worries! We’ve completely outlined a way to help you and your family ease into a less-stressful schedule this fall! Oh and did I mention… AND we found ways for you to maintain it throughout the year!

5 quick ways to simplify your fall

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block scheduling can be flexible

Create a FLEX-Schedule…and Stick To It! 

Yes, there is such thing as creating a “flexible schedule”. Honestly, I found it to be the perfect balance between setting time for specific things,(ESPECIALLY those thing I constantly procrastinate with),and having flexibility left in my day so that I’m not “booked” every minute.

If you create a “flex schedule” that looks appealing and doable, it will WORK. Overbook and over schedule it-well you’ll watch that puppy fly right out of that window like last January’s workout routine.

Two of our favorite tools for successful flex-schedule: block scheduling and a hand-written planner:  

Try Block Scheduling:

Block scheduling is a simple, yet flexible way to ensure you get your big to-do items DONE and leave enough time for “down time” each day.

Best thing about block scheduling? YOU design it—check out more about block scheduling here: How to Be More Productive Every Single Day


If organization has gotten you down every morning–try blocking out 15 minutes every night where you get one or two things done in preparation for the next day! 

Here’s ONE of th best parts about this time saving hack: set the timer and the WHOLE family can participate! Give each child a “job” in preparation for the next day! 

  • Prep lunches
  • Get school clothes 
  • Grab all papers for school
  • Figure out what breakfast will look like the next morning

The great part about these 15 minutes, is that EVERYONE has their hand in preparing for the next day.

This alleviates some of the “rushing around” in the morning as well as that overwhelming sense that you’re doing EVERYTHING! 

Try Using/Creating your Own Planner!

Many of us love to write things down-afterall, reasearch has shown that writing information, as a opposed to simply trying to remember or even typing it, offers a much more powerful connection toward remembering and doing!

Some people swear by planners, others love a white board or chalkboard, and still, others love a simple calendar hanging up in a noticeable spot complete with sections to write in. 

Whatever is comfortable for you–you can make it  into your own planner! 

One of our favorites has been created by Ruth Soukop (if you don’t know her–check her site out!). The Living Well Planner is absolutely a favorite and will help you to crush those school year goals!

5 Quick Ways to Simplify your School YearGET IT! Living Well Planner!

Need some inspiration? Check out Ruth Soukop’s Living Well Planner for a perfect way to CRUSH your fall schedule or grab your own planner and design it here: 



5 Quick ways to simplify your fall

Simplify Sports & All Extracurricular Activities! 

Here’s a concept that many of us need to remember: LESS = MORE! The over-scheduled kiddo equals the over-stressed parent which, you guessed it, equals less together time.

Don’t get me wrong here-I’m super big into extracurricular activities & sports…just not three or four per week.

AND, mamas, let’s be real–if you have more than one kiddo at home…you’ll drive yourself and your family nutty driving around five nights or more out of your week.

Simplify so you can “family-ify” your time. Time together is priceless…and believe me, the “kid” years go by way to fast.

Less is MORE!

Here’s an awesomely quick & fun idea to gain control of the out-of-control sports/activities: 

Sit with your children and make a list of fall activities they enjoy. Soccer on the list? Brownies or Girl Scouts? How about Gymnastics?

Write each activity down on a slip of paper and have the kiddos organize them in order of importance.

Then have your kiddos create a “top five” then a “top three” and, eventually, have them choose one or two!

5 Quick Ways to Simplify the School Year

Simplify Friends: Don’t Follow the Crowd!

Ok—yes, it’s super fun to have your kids doing activities with your friend’s children—ESPECIALLY if you’re BFFs with the parents as well.

HOWEVER- and we know this is tough—don’t fall into the trap of following others into sports.

You’ll end up over-scheduled and packed before you blink.

SIMPLE STEP: Set YOUR schedule for YOUR kiddos.

There will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to get together during the school year if your kids happen to do different activities this fall.


5 Quick Ways to Simplify Your School Year


Try making a casserole or two on the weekend so that there’s at least two evenings during the chaos of the week that you can throw the food in the oven and actually play a game of ball outside with the kids or chat about their day (uninterrupted or without household distractions). 


While we’re on the subject of food….

Simplify your Grocery Trips!— So I DREADED grabbing my daughter from school and driving immediately to the grocery store. NO ONE (including me) wanted to head off to the grocery store after being apart for most of the day.

 I dreaded this activity so much, in fact, that I would make up dinners like “breakfast dinner” just to get us by.

Eventually I came up with a “grocery morning” on the weekend to cover us for the week. (or if I really didn’t have my —- together, it would be a late night 10 p.m. trip with my favorite third shift grocery crew–but still on a weekend!).

If finances don’t allow for a one time weekly trip, you can certainly split your trip into two days (one weekend and one week night that won’t send you over the edge)…whatever works but make it work for YOU.

Simplify-Tech Free Nights!

This can be a toughie but it’s totally doable and needed!

Shorter daylight and busier day schedules often call for some veg-out R & R in front of the TV, tablets or phones. HOWEVER, it’s super important to commit to balancing out the technology time.

Below is a fun way to make “tech-free day” an exciting day with a grab bag list of ideas! Here’s how you can do it:

  1. At the beginning of the week, have everyone put an idea in a hat for their tech-free day.
  2. Change up who chooses out of the hat-and every time you have a tech free day, you do that activity. The excitement may make everyone ask for a tech free day-almost every day!


5 Quick Ways to Simplify The School YearBottom Line:


The fall can be a welcomed time or straight up dreaded routine change from the almost carefree days of summer. This time of year can bring on tons of stress when you over book yourself and your family.

 We like to be “on top of it all” between work, school and sports…but if you’re tired of running yourself ragged every fall, wishing for the summer to come back before September is even over…then it’s time to change things up.

Don’t be pressured into thinking that just because you have time home with your family that you’re doing something wrong. I know I do NOT want to be in the position of many of my friends who are eating more take out than they are at home with their families.

There’s a fine line between encouraging sports activities and losing your family (and your sanity) during the school year.

Every family’s needs are different. Don’t compare your family to your friend’s or other family members. Remember-your needs, and the needs of YOUR family, must come first!

Bring on the new season, new school year and the new way of under-scheduling your life!

Bottom Line: You got this MAMA!


Looking to earn some extra $$$ while the kiddos return to school or even as a part-time gig?

Want to bring in a great income but aren’t sure where to get started?

Start a blog , Make money from it, and CRUSH your goals!

Check out  Bluehost with WordPress here and for as little as that large cup of coffee we all need every morning ($3.95)  you can jump start your blog!


Calling All Writing Mamas!

Have amazing ideas or experiences about  parenting or blogging and want to share it? Looking to get your blog noticed on another platform? Start writing with the Running Mama!  Check it all out here! 




3 Signs that Indicate You Need To Break Up With Your Child’s School

3 signs that indicate you need to break up with your child's school

Ah…SUMMER! For those of us that have school aged kiddos, summer signals  a time of sheer relaxation: relaxed moods, relaxed schedules and relaxed minds. For some parents, it also offers a chance to reflect on the school year that has past and look onward to the approaching year. AND if you’ve had less than a stellar experience with your child’s current school, you may find yourself questioning what to do next.

How do you know you should start the new school year at a new school? There are 3 signs that indicate you need to break up with your child’s school…check them out before they check in for the year. 

**”BY THE WAY~”Our Disclaimer: we are not physicians or professionals. If you think your child is in danger in any way, please contact a professional immediately!

Questioning the “System”

Maybe you’ve been there: your little love comes home from school to declare that he or she doesn’t want to go back…ever. You analyze all of the possible reasons: Is it avoidance? A social problem? The teacher? You try to become a sleuth, (of sorts), in order to figure out what’s going on and you may discover the root of the issue or… you may not. (at least not instantaneously).  All of a sudden, the security you felt in your decision to send your child to that school may be shaken. 

Or, perhaps, the doubt surrounding school systems starts with you.  Maybe questions begin to stir regarding the teacher’s knowledge base or, as you slowly watch communication dwindle and lack luster learning activities pour in, you discover  your definition of “quality education” compared to that of the administration greatly differ.

Perhaps you continually feel a sense that the environment is more concerned with numbers than a child’s genuine love of learning.  Whatever your reason for questioning your child’s educational environment, know that you’re not alone. More and more parents and caregivers are placing more time and, (in some cases), more money into their children’s education. 

“When the atmosphere encourages learning, the learning is inevitable.”
― Elizabeth Foss

“GET TO CLASS” The Dreaded Front Office Scenario

For some,  it may be the one last “little” thing that breaks your nerves about your child’s school, for others, it could be a gradual culmination over time. For us, it got to the point where we simply DREADED dropping our daughter off to school each day.

Between a poor classroom teacher, behaviors in the classroom that were continuing to effect her and, I kid you not, the  “ladies” in the front office, were were done by October.

Let’s, for one moment, discuss the front office. I know, it seems like a weird aspect to bring up but, let me explain to you why this was the final factor in pulling our daughter out of her current school situation.

We bring our daughter into school most days. Each and every day when we walked her in (albeit we were late at times), these “front office faces”, were clearly annoyed by us and/or our daughter.

We weren’t looking for some grandiose welcoming committee. A simple “good morning/how are you —–” would’ve been enough to make us and our daughter feel welcome. 

Instead, we were greeted with glares, or hardly even a look. A stern hand would flash a flamingo pink pass to our daughter joined with a short, irritated, “GET TO CLASS” statement. The rude behavior proceeded especially if she didn’t “get to class” right away.

There is one woman who would, despite the fact that she could see my daughter hugging and kissing her little brother, who would repeatedly speak to my daughter terribly–often raising her voice to tell her to “GET TO CLASS” over and over again–despite the fact that she was simply trying to say goodbye to us. How awful is that? 

It got to the point where I began to allow my daughter to wait in the hall whilst I retrieved her pass from these ladies. I mean, who wants to start their day with that type of a greeting?

It set a tone for the whole day and, in our opinion, spoke VOLUMES about the entire school environment.

Our daughter is six years old, not twenty. She doesn’t “GET TO CLASS”. Why should I, a parent, be the one to point out this terrible behavior from an adult who is, in some cases, the first adult that a child or another parent interacts with once they get into the school. That did it for us. 

So–lesson learned here? Whether it’s considered a “major” issue such as bullying or a teacher that is lack luster OR if it’s a “minor” issue that’s now affecting your child every day, it may be time to close the doors on that school—permanently. 

Don’t feel that your “issue” is too small. Point being: nothing is a “small” issue when it comes to your child’s happiness, comfort and environment to which they spend so much of their time. If your child is unhappy for one OR all of the reasons we’ve discussed, (or others), don’t standby.

Know your rights, speak for your child. 

3 signs that indicate you need to break up with your child's school

Before the Bell Rings: What’s Next

If you’re having second thoughts about your town or city’s school system- stop and consider your options. Does it mean you should immediately change your child to a completely different school? Of course not. Should you start to reconsider what type of schooling is best for your family? Absolutely.

Blindly going into any educational system without questioning it should be a thing of the past. If we think about it, our children spend 6.5 to 7 hours plus per day at school. That’s approximately 35 hours per week away from home–sometimes more.

With your children clocking so many hours in their school environment, it’s extremely important that their school is meeting their needs academically, socially, emotionally and physically–every day

 Everyone has their opinions on education–it might be time to start listening to your own voice, (and your child’s) to decide what’s best for your family. Here’s some helpful tips: 

It's almost back to school! If you're uncertain about your child's current school...you're not alone! Check these signs that show you should start this new school year at a NEW school!3 Signs that Tell You to BREAK UP With Your Child’s School:

3 signs that indicate you should break up with your child's school

1. Your Child Isn’t Being Challenged at His or Her Level:

This was a BIG one for us. Our daughter has always performed above and beyond what one would “expect” for her age. From physical milestones (walking at 8 months) to academic milestones: (she knew her uppercase/lowercase letters at age two and was reading a little before her third birthday), she’s always loved learning and seemed to soak up every little tidbit of information.

She’s also an excellent “rule follower”.

Which meant, that if we didn’t advocate for her, she would simply “sit” in her classroom, (regardless of the lack of differentiation), and “learn” like her peers. NOT what we wanted AT ALL. 

Then there’s the other end. If you’re child is “expressing” themselves during class by acting out…the root cause could be sheer boredom. 

When an administration and/or teacher doesn’t differentiate, the results are devastating for students who are above the “curve”.  

I am, however, concerned about the general culture at public schools—at least at the ones I’ve seen—of disengagement and compulsory learning. So when it comes to my daughter, I opt to invest a little more—to ensure she’s immersed in a community where it’s acceptable, and even admirable, to show natural enthusiasm for knowledge.–Michael  Godsey, The Atlantic

change schools

2. Your Child Isn’t Thriving Either Socially or Emotionally

As children, we’ve all faced uncomfortable situations at school where students or, perhaps even teachers, were simply not behaving in a way that made us feel welcome.

Learning won’t and can’t happen in an uncomfortable environment.

This was the next factor that broke our trust in our daughter’s school.  The environment was not only disengaging but unfriendly and not representative of what we would consider “a place where kindness and learning go hand in hand”.

What’s important here is to make sure we, as parents, really listen to our kids.

Here’s where you should draw the line:

  • Your child is being bullied (and administration has not rectified the situation)
  • Despite conversations with your child’s teacher, there is little or no follow through.  
  • The classroom environment is not conducive to learning (i.e. behavioral management by teacher is questionable, the environment lacks structure 
  • Communication between home and school is sparse or non-existent (your finding more things out about classroom situations from your child rather than the adults in charge)
  • You or your child feels unwelcome. Don’t settle for anything when it comes to your child’s education. Especially when it comes to how you or your child feels when they enter that building EVERY day. 

Bottom Line: ALL children love to learn.  It is the responsibility of the adults who are leading them to help them succeed.

Make no mistake about that. 

Unschooling Quotes by Albert Einstein and Others

Picture and Quote courtesy of https://www.diygenius.com/unschooling-quotes/

3. Your Child Loses Interest in Going to School 

Ok. We’ve all been there. Our  jobs, school, maybe even at sporting events. There are simply “those days” where we don’t want to GO! However, you know your child best, and if all of a sudden your child’s behavior is changing without obvious reasons…it’s time to take a closer look.

Afterall, many times kids theselves can’t pinpoint what’s truly going on–all they know is that they want the situation to END. 

While there are many more signs, we wanted to highlight a few that might easily be passed off as “having a bad day”.Here’s some signs you can look out for:

*Your child refuses to get up for school and/or often complains about an illness you’ve looked into.

*He or she suddenly loses interest in activities he or she once loved.

*Your child becomes quiet or unwilling to discuss school. 

*He or she doesn’t want to attend certain portions of the school day (i.e. recess, lunch or other activities)

*Your child stops eating at school or at home.

***Please NOTE: Some of these signs can be an indication of a serious problem or that your child is in danger. The above are possible indication–as always– please contact a physician or professional for help.

Warning Signs that Indicate you should change your chiid's school

Get Out When It’s NOT Right:

Ultimately, you know your child. Before they step on that school bus this coming fall, evaluate the past school year. Was something just “off”? What about the teacher, the administration, the overall environment?  Go with how you feel and put a check mark next to these warning signs to double check the facts:

1.Your child is withdrawing/behaving uncharacteristically (not wanting to get out of bed was a sign from our daughter).

2.Lack of communication from school (you’re finding out more from your child than you are from the adults in charge–ANOTHER big one for us)

3.Teacher engagement is lack luster (again, another warning sign).

4.Administration (principals and even Superintendents “speak well” but perform terribly on making significant, positive changes. 

ALL children love to learn.  It is the responsibility of the adults who are leading them to help them succeed. Make no mistake about that.


While many people are herded through one type of “system” or another, there’s something even more important to be recognized here: 

That there are vast choices when it comes to education. There are many different thoughts on schooling to be explored if the public education system or any system is NOT working for you or your child. 

Homeschooling, private or Montessori schools offer other ways of thinking and educating.

We are the best advocates for our kiddos. Learning, at ANY age, should be fun, engaging and enjoyable. We can all ensure that our kiddos have the best experience possible simply by tuning into their needs.

We’re All in the Same Boat

Do we know where our children will be for the 2018 school year yet? Absolutely not!  What we  ABSOLUTELY DO know is that we aren’t allowing our daughter or son to be exposed to an environment that represents the opposite of what we feel promotes an  authentic love of learning. 

Neither should you. There are choices. 

As for that terrible teacher our daughter had from last school year–she’s no longer with that school system. Hmmmmmm…….

Questioning your child’s school or the educational system? Have feedback for others who are? We would LOVE to hear from you!

Post a Comment Below! 

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Looking for AWESOME Back to School Supplies, Gear and/or Products?

Below are some awesome products we’ve tried and WE LOVE! These are sure to jump start you into the new school year!

(*By the way–the links below are affiliate links which means The Running Mama will receive a commission from them).